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Canadian Primary School & Canadian Preschool of Warsaw

ul. Bełska 7, 02-638 Warszawa
tel. (48 22) 646-92-89, tel./fax (48 22) 646-92-88
www:   http://www.canadian-school.ple-mail:

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Our Preschool offers the following curriculum

- English
- Polish (for 5-year olds)
- French
- Mathematics
- Science
- Personal, Social and Physical Education
- Social studies
- Art
- Music&Movement / Rhythmics
- Sensory activities

Canadian Primary School of Warsaw offers as follows:

- English Language
- French Classes
- Polish Classes
- Arts Classes
- Mathematics
- Social Studies
- Science and Technology
- Physical Education
- Qualified Canadian and International Teachers
- Counsellor consultations
- Variety of concerts
- Computer Classes
- Plus many others such as Hot Lunches, Field Trips, Summer Camp


The Canadian School of Warsaw is an international kindergarten and school, specialising in the education of 3 to 13 year olds from around the world. Our team of native and non-native English speakers ensure an exemplary education for your child while adhering to North American and Polish curriculars allowing our pupils to continue their education in either system.

The Canadian School of Warsaw is a small community with a family atmosphere.


The Canadian School of Warsaw does its best for all of its students to become self-motivated, self-directed problem-solvers and decision-makers. We encourage them to develop the skills necessary for learning and developing a sense of self-worth and confidence in their ability to participate in a changing society.

Therefore, we have chosen Primary Years Programme, which develops positive attitudes and joy from learning and acquiring new skills and what is most important encourages children to ask questions and seek satisfying answers. We teach children respect, tolerance and understanding toward individuals, groups and cultures in all communities. One of the most characteristic features of the programme is division of the school year into six transdisciplinary themes.


Children's early learning experiences have a profound effect on their development. In Kindergarten, children are so receptive to new influences and they are at their peak in their capacity to learn. During this period, they acquire a variety of important skills, knowledge and attitudes that will affect their ability to learn their personal development, their relationship with others and their future participation in society.

In addition to the Preschool Program, the Canadian School of Warsaw is offering Polish and french classes. At such a young age, children can be introduced to other beneficial languages through different kinds of play, songs and poems.

Contact Us
ul. Kalatówki 24
02-702 Warszawa
tel. (+48) 22 898 31 39, (+48) 69 79 79 100
fax: (+48) 22 843 09 38


After school activities include (price not included in tuition fee): Swimming, Playing Instruments, Extra Foreign Language Classes (French, Italian, Spanish), Karate, Tennis, Modern Dance Classes, Ballet, "Bob the Builder" Classes, Art Studio, Pottery, Emotional Intelligence Classes, Capoeira and Drama Classes.


The Canadian Elementary School of Warsaw is using a Programme of Inquiry based on international and Polish methods of teaching. We are in the process of accreditation by the International Baccalaureate Organization (PYP Programme), we are registered with the Polish Board of Education and we are preparing our students for PET (Preliminary English Test), FCE (First Certificate in English) and CAE (Certificate in Advanced English). Our students are knowledgeable inquirers, caring, communicative and balanced young people who achieve great results in both Polish and international schools.

1. Language Arts
Language is a base for communication and the primary instrument for expressing ones ideas. Children learn a language as they use it to communicate their thoughts, feelings and experiences, establish relationships with family members and friends, strive to make sense and put some order to their world. The purpose of teaching in English is to show each student how to understand and appreciate language, and to use it confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication and learning. Thanks to the framework created by the PYP we could successfully embrace the content of both Polish and Canadian curriculum.

2. Mathematics
This programme stimulates students to use mathematics to solve problems, to communicate their mathematical thinking and to build a lifelong appreciation of the ability to use mathematics in everyday life. This programme focuses on engaging students in meaningful activities to build a community of learners, encouraging communication through questioning and reflection about mathematical ideas.

3. Social Studies
Social Studies is a school subject that assists students to acquire basic knowledge, skills and positive attitudes needed to be responsible citizens and contributing members of society. The content of social studies draws upon history, geography, behavioral sciences and the humanities.

4. Arts
Art education aims at highlighting out the values that summarize the creation and appreciation of art forms. It deals with the ways in which people express their feelings in visual forms, deals with making and defending qualitative judgment about outlooks. Art education involves skill development in the areas of drawing and sculpture, to help each child expand their ability to express oneself. It focuses on four major components of visual learning: Reflection, Depiction, Composition, Expression.

5. Science and Technology
Science experiences in elementary years are designed to build on the knowledge which students already have and to expand it. To sharpen their investigative skills we provide our students with conditions in which they feel challenged and actively involved to learn at their best.

6. Personal, social and physical development
PSPE classes aim at teaching children how to live a healthy, well-balanced life, with the emphasis on healthy living, eating and exercise. It also shows the children how to foster healthy relationships with their family and friends.

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